Real Estate Law

Our advises individuals and companies from several industries and sizes in a range of Real Estate Law matters. We also performance with urban development matters, such as urban restrictions, regularization of properties and its activities before public agencies (municipalities, National Institute for Colonization and Land Reform (INCRA), the Federal Government Property Department (SPU), notary publics, National Institute for Historic and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN), and others). Our consultancy ranges from the formalization of the relationship between builders and developers to the full regularization of the property and construction, including the establishment of condominiums and its regulations, constitution and cancellation of encumbrances, such as mortgages and easements. We also assist our clients on purchase and sale transactions, leases, donations, partnerships and real estate barter transactions, on the elaboration and structuring of real estate projects, including malls, upscale residential constructions, high-end office complexes, hotels, factories and distribution centers.

  • Real estate contracts in general
  • Consultancy and opinions on Real Estate and Urban Law
  • Administrative procedures relating to real estate properties (project approvals, permits, land divisions and mergers, area corrections, annotations and registrations with notary publics (RGI and SPU, etc.)
  • Litigation on real estate matters
Lawyers of Real Estate Law
Fabiana Branco
  • Real Estate Law
Francisco Muniz
  • Civil Law
  • Litigation and Procedural Consulting
  • Real Estate Law
Juliana Longman
  • Real Estate Law
Luis Guilherme Honorato
  • Real Estate Law
Raphaela Gonçalves
  • Real Estate Law
  • Energy
Roberto Soares
  • Real Estate Law
Victória Colas
  • Real Estate Law
Vitor Correia Katz
  • Corporate Law
  • Real Estate Law
  • Energy


Dispositvo traz importantes mudanças no Código Nacional de Normas da Corregedoria Nacional do Conselho Nacional de Justiça Foro Extrajudicial, com foco em prevenir crimes como a lavagem de dinheiro, financiamento do terrorismo e proliferação de armas de destruição em massa.

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Com o Marco Legal das Garantias (Lei 14.711/2023), foi inaugurada a possibilidade de que créditos garantidos por hipoteca possam ser executados extrajudicialmente em caso de inadimplência.

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O georreferenciamento consiste em procedimento técnico que insere a localização do imóvel em um sistema de coordenadas geográficas, a exemplo da latitude e longitude, com a finalidade de certificar a exatidão da localização do imóvel e dos limites da propriedade.

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Avenida Antônio de Góes, 60, JCPM Trade Center, 1º andar
CEP: 51.010-000, Pina, Recife/PE, Brasil
+55 (81) 2126.0092
São Paulo